Tipps zum perfekten Blowjob

The perfect blowjob: tips & tricks

How to get the perfect blowjob

Oral sex is one of the most intimate and sensual forms of sex - want to have the hottest night ever? We'll tell you eleven tips & tricks to get your partner going from the beginning to the climax with a hot blowjob. The chances of a passionate orgasm are pretty good.... Admittedly: The beginning can be tricky - but don't worry, if you remember the following tips, you'll succeed quite smoothly.

1. Pleasure & communication

Rule number one for sex and therefore also for blowjobs: What you do has to please both of you. It's best to talk about your preferences beforehand. This loosens you up, increases your self-confidence, can avoid unpleasant situations - and is really hot. Do what feels good for you and see what brings you pleasure together during the blowjob with your partner.

2. Get in the mood

Take your time! Get into the moment and the experience, you don't have to stress about it. For example, you could start the perfect blowjob by caressing your partner, rediscovering and kissing their body, running your hand along their shaft and then slowly starting to suck and lick.

Want to sweeten the experience? There's also edible lube in a variety of flavours, from strawberry to chocolate - find out what turns you on. Lubricant makes the blowjob more pleasurable and you don't have to constantly worry about getting enough saliva. So you don't have to waste time looking for the right lube, here are the three must-haves.

3. erogenous zones during oral sex

It's helpful to know your erogenous zones for a hot blowjob. We'll tell you: Sure, the glans is where most of the nerve endings are. But the frenulum is also very sensitive when stimulated - it's the ligament that connects the underside of the foreskin to the shaft.

The perineum is also a good place to stimulate - it's a small spot between the anus and the testicles. These are also great for massaging: The thin skin makes it especially tingly. With a little practice, you can also stimulate the prostate - that's where his G-spot is, and where the chances of multiple orgasms are particularly good.

Here's what you should watch out for

The beginning has worked: To really heat up your partner afterwards, it's best to pay attention to a few things that make a hot blowjob. 

4. Rhythm for a perfect blowjob

In the beginning, it's a good idea to build up a steady rhythm so that you can both get used to the feeling and let go. When you get the hang of it and feel like it, you can play with the rhythm, change the speed or intensity of the sucking or even add sex toys.

Communication is important: during the blowjob, pay attention to what your date likes or ask specifically about it - this makes the experience more enjoyable for both of you and you will get better and better together at bringing each other to orgasm.

5. Teeth: Hot or not?

It's best to make sure your teeth aren't part of the blowjob, otherwise it can quickly become painful and uncomfortable during oral sex. You can avoid them getting in the way by enclosing your teeth with your lips. Important: Clarify beforehand what's hot and what's not - maybe your partner also likes teeth during a blowjob and you can blow his mind with them....

6. A good blowjob needs breaks.

Jaw pain during oral sex is something we want to avoid - it can occur if you're in an awkward position. It's all in the angle: Change your position, see how your bodies harmonise best, and take little breaks in between where you can relax your jaw and see how you both like it so far.

When you take a break, you can kiss the inside of his thighs, suck on his testicles or stroke them. You can also massage his penis and let your hand move up and down, as well as play with the pressure. Another option would be to run the tip of his penis around the contours of your lips or touch the glans with the tip of your tongue. As you can see, the possibilities for a hot blowjob are endless and you can discover what turns you on.

How to make the blowjob even hotter

Want to take your blowjob to the next level? It pays to be open to experimentation. Try these three tricks to make it even more exciting.

7. Show your fun

The most important point: Have fun! That is ultimately the main thing and the key to particularly intense climaxes. Only do what you feel like doing and what brings you pleasure. Whether you want to wear lingerie for the perfect blowjob or not, experiment and find out what feels best to you and what makes you feel sexy.

It's hot to show your partner how much you're enjoying this hot blowjob and intimacy. You can make eye contact and it can be exciting if he caresses and pleasures you at the same time - then it's twice as pleasurable for both of you, so win-win!

8. Variety gives the blowjob a push

Are you looking for more things to add variety to your blowjob? Your moans can increase the arousal through vibration. You can also hold a vibrator to your cheek or hum it and really heat up your partner with an interplay.

You can get a special kick by taking a sip of cold water or putting an ice cube in your mouth for a short while before pampering your partner's penis again with your lips and tongue. Playing with the temperature can be very exciting. From gentle to violent, everything is possible...

9. Oral sex with deep throat

First things first: If you want to deepthroat, you need practice and you need to have your gag reflex under control. Deep throat involves taking the penis completely into the mouth.

You can practise with a banana, for example. The best way to do this is to lie on your back, let your head hang over the edge of the bed and slowly take the banana into your mouth to find out what feels good to you. Over time, you may become less sensitive and your reflex may weaken. Be patient and see what is comfortable for you.

The conclusion of a good blowjob

The time has come! You're heading for orgasm and your partner is about to come. Here you can find out how to make the climax and the moment afterwards especially intimate.

10. The special wow moment during the perfect blowjob

If you want things to get extra hot just before climax, there's a special trick that feels incredibly exciting and makes his abdomen tingle: let the penis plunge as far as possible into your mouth and press the glans against the roof of your mouth. Keep your lips firmly under tension and pull the air out of your mouth.

This creates a vacuum. If you also massage the testicles, the extra kick is perfect.

11. After orgasm

There are different ways to climax. Decide beforehand whether you want to swallow or spit out the semen, or whether you want your partner to reach orgasm outside your mouth. Whatever you decide, it is important that you are comfortable with what you are doing. If you decide to spit, it's a good idea to have a wipe handy beforehand. With Lovehoney's body wipes, you can gently cleanse and nourish your skin. Thanks to the natural ingredients, these wipes are great for the face!